Clearing Karma & Guilt
Many of us arrived in this life with a big bag of guilt strapped to our shoulders! Clearing these issues and making the distinction between what is ours to deal with and what is not necessary to carry can be a tricky path, hopefully you will find all of these ways to heal helpful for you.
Recorded Healing Sessions
- Connect, Create and Balance
All available on my Youtube Channel.
Recorded Meditations
- Night Time Ritual
- Connect to the Energy Flow of the Universe
- Flying beyond Limitations
- Pluto Energies & New Beginnings
All available on my Youtube Channel.
Online eCourses
- Symbol Healing for the Heart and Soul
- Healing Negative Energies
All available in my Shop.
Thank you for your help ,Ann.
Thank You!
I could feel Grace of God taking over in me.
You’re awesome!