Blogs & Articles

Have You Joined? – How Becoming Part of my Exclusive Online Community Can Help Enhance Your Spiritual Journey

Have You Joined? – How Becoming Part of my Exclusive Online Community Can Help Enhance Your Spiritual Journey

 Self-care is a hot topic, but what have you done lately to improve your self-care routine? Perhaps you have made a commitment to yourself to be more proactive on your healing journey. Or maybe you have committed to booking your one-to-one healing sessions to accelerate your journey on your spiritual path. You might have simply…

How to Heal: Rejection, Ghosting, Controlling & Abuse

How to Heal: Rejection, Ghosting, Controlling & Abuse

Have you ever felt the weight of rejection, ghosting, coercive control or abuse? Unbeknownst to many, being treated in this manner creates a learned behaviour on the part of the receiver, meaning you start to accept these situations as ‘normal’ and can become conditioned to believe the untruths you are being told. Being treated in…

The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention

Nothing changes until we activate our powers of intention and creativity. I will talk about the use of Your Heart Passion, Your Will and Your Power of Creativity and lead you through a meditation to help you clear any blocks that are preventing you from creating what you want and need.

Spiritual Energy Healing Course – What’s It All About?

Spiritual Energy Healing Course – What’s It All About?

Introducing my Spiritual Energy Healing Course, designed to guide you on your spiritual healing journey, or to apply as part of a therapy you already deliver to your client base. Consisting of 4 modules, my Spiritual Energy Healing course features a series of training sessions, case studies, meditations, and practical exercises to guide you through…