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Healing Symbols

Healing Symbols

saw you have a Healing Symbol Pendant in your website and I just wonder how different is this for other Healing Symbols like for example the one they use to Reiki which has both Close and Distance Healing?
Also if I may ask what is the name of this symbol for my further researching about its origin and power.

Psychic Attack

Psychic Attack

Hi Anne,
Good day to you. I just want to let you know that last night I watched your video on your morning ritual, how to seek protection and last night I had a nightmare.
In the dream, I dreamt my family and I were in a haunted service apartment and the doors took turns to open and closed by themselves. I asked Archangel Michael to protect me from negative energy.

Reunite My Family

Reunite My Family

I am a Singaporean currently leaving in France. I met my wife 8 years ago. We got married on 19 Oct 2013. My wife is a French. Our marriage was greatly opposed by my wife’s parents especially her mother.

When Luck Changes and Misfortune Comes

When Luck Changes and Misfortune Comes

I am 40 years old, and for most my life I have been very lucky, my mom would say I could charm the birds out of the sky. But thru mistakes of my own, I ended up in prison. I served my time and was very lucky to have found good work after as that is not usually the case with someone with a felony record. My mother got cancer and died quickly in 2013. Since then I fell off, lost my faith and lost my way.

Resistance and barriers on your path

Resistance and barriers on your path

I have worked in a corporate role for 31 years and since March I have felt uncomfortable and constrained in my work environment. It feels harsh, competitive and I’m beginning to feel depleted. I am a qualified life coach and reiki level 1 qualified at the beginning of August. I feel a stronger pull to connect with my intuition to meditation and to bring healing and love into the world. I’d like to set up my own holistic therapy business and to find paid work that energises me and I feel helps people.

Healing Path

Healing Path

Dear Anne, I have similar issues, but I don’t know where and who it is coming from. I’ve been healing, clearing, shielding myself for years now, working with Angels, Saints, Masters, but it all just don’t seem strong enough to make it go away for good. It all seems to help short term for, but not long term. I have been doing your healing sessions & all your videos regularly and shield myself every day, but I am at a point where I cant deal with any people any more and live a lonely isolated life, just to protect myself and have my peace & quiet.

Healing Pain

Healing Pain

Dear Anne, thanks for healing today through your Facebook page. It feels uncomfortable as the things that no longer serve me must rise to the surface before they are released. On your Facebook page, can you explain why this happens? With gratitude and love.

After Effects of Healing

After Effects of Healing

Is it normal to get a very bloody period after a workshop like that we had?
I got my period on Sunday… 14 days too early… And very bloody. And I have also had a kind of pain in the area around my neck and shoulder on the right side.
I have also had a strange dream tonight.

Nature Spirit Energies can affect you

Nature Spirit Energies can affect you

When things go wrong in our lives and we feel down, depressed and under par you may first look inside yourself to see if it’s something you have done. Then you look to see if anyone around you is affecting you. Then maybe you consider the state of the planets and see how they may be affecting you. At the moment there are massive planetary energies that are affecting most of us – I keep crying for no apparent reason and have a strong sense of change and shift around me.

Good relationships

Good relationships

I need your advice. I find it difficult to build good relationships with other people of late. I feel like I am boxed in and blocked in many strange ways. I did not have this problem when I was younger. I tried to console myself that maybe I lack the people skills but lately I feel there may be more to my problem than people skills. Could there be any blockage from the psychic sense? If so, how do I clear this blockage? I lived in Indonesia before and am living in Malaysia. (These two places are known for their black magic.)
This is affecting me.
Please advise.

How do I help my son?

How do I help my son?

I fear that my son has been cursed and will come to a really bad and scary end.
How can I help my son? He does not believe in curses and will not do anything for him self. Is there any way I or his mother can help him. I and my wife are separated and don’t live together.
Thank you for your time.